Providing leadership to the county forest program ensuring long-term forest health and sustainability

About the Wisconsin County Forests Association
Our Mission
Provide leadership uniting the interests of the Wisconsin’s county forest program while ensuring long-term forest health and sustainability
Our Purpose
- Be an advocate for sustainable active forest management in Wisconsin and the County Forest system.
- Provide leadership and counsel to county forestry committees on forestry policies and programs, while encouraging county participation in forestry issues.
- Facilitate communication between counties and various other entities or organizations on various forestry matters.
- Provide leadership on proposed legislation affecting forestry matters, land use issues and budgets.
- Serve as a liaison for the counties with federal, state and local representatives and agencies regarding proposed and existing forestry programs.
- Act as a clearinghouse and a conduit of information for the counties.
- Work with private groups and public agencies to strengthen forestry and forest related programs in Wisconsin.
WCFA Member Counties
WCFA’s membership is made up of the 30 counties in Wisconsin with lands enrolled in §28.11. With over 2.4 million acres in management, collectively, the Counties are the largest public landowner in the State. Click the map to find out more information on any county.
Who We Are & How We Work
The Wisconsin County Forests Association (WCFA) acts as a collaborative platform for members to discuss issues, programs, and policies affecting the county forests. Established in 1968, WCFA is a not-for-profit, quasi-government organization whose membership is made up of the 30 counties in Wisconsin with lands enrolled in §28.11. Instead of each individual county dealing with issues on their own, WCFA takes on the responsibility to advocate on everyone’s behalf.
The Association’s professional staff acts as a clearinghouse, providing communication and administrative services and serves as spokesperson for the association. WCFA members and staff advocate for and represent the entire county forest system in a multitude of capacities. Since its formation, WCFA has provided an invaluable service to its 30 member counties, Wisconsin’s forest products industry and to the people and visitors of Wisconsin. On many issues of concern, volunteer counsel and leadership by dedicated WCFA members and staff has enhanced the County Forest program. WCFA members also provide leadership on proposed legislation affecting forestry and forest land in Wisconsin.
The priorities and work of the Association are steered by a strategic plan geared towards the care and sustainably of its members and the important work they do. The 17-member Board of Directors is comprised of elected County Board officials who serve on their respective County Board Forestry Committees. There are also several internal committees who help direct and craft the work accomplished by WCFA.
WCFA By-Laws
WCFA Strategic Plan
Learn more about who we are by watching WCFA Discover Wisconsin videos