Providing leadership to the county forest program ensuring long-term forest health and sustainability

Sustaining Wisconsin’s Natural Resources
through Dedicated Forest Management
Forest Management
Wisconsin State Law charges the County Forests with providing maximum public benefits through multiple-use management. Our focus is to ensure the long-term health and sustainability of forest ecosystems while providing a suite of benefits to the public and for the State’s robust forest products industry, guaranteeing our county forests will be protected and used sustainably for generations to come. Wisconsin’s forests are important not only to our environment but also fuels Wisconsin’s economy. In addition to supporting thousands of jobs, income from county forest timber sales helps offset local taxes and contributes to the county coffers to be used for other programs and services.
Each county forest is managed by a 15-year Comprehensive Land Management Plan. For more details on a specific county’s management plan, visit their website. Click here for links>
Our Counties also benefit from a strong dovetailed partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Amongst many benefits, this partnership financially supports the County Forest programs, provides technical assistance on numerous subjects, allows our members to provide public education regarding sound forest management, assists with prescribed fire projects and takes responsibility for wildfire protection of all our forests.
Wisconsin County Forests Acres